Why We Prefer Traveling by RV

We have spent many years traveling the world, road tripping across the US, and exploring all the various ways to travel. We have slept in 5-star hotel rooms, camped in our car, and everything in between. And although they all have their perks, we believe an RV is the best way to travel around the US, and here are a few reasons why:

You have everything you need with you at all times

From extra clothes to snacks to a phone charger, you can take everything with you wherever you go -- you are in a traveling home afterall. We find this especially useful when traveling with kids because they have so. much. stuff. Plus, you have the ability to bring your favorite things from home – a comfy duvet, your favorite coffee maker, or even your furry friend.

You don’t have to unpack and repack each time you change locations

An RV allows you to see a lot of different places, and easily. Each time you decide it’s time to head to your next location, you can just go! No need to pack up all your stuff and then repack once you arrive to your new destination.

It gives you greater access to the outdoors and our national parks

In an RV, you can camp within a national park, close to all the attractions, or in a completely desolate area with nothing around you but a campfire and a sky full of stars. Because you have everything you need and because you are totally self-sufficient, an RV gets you closer to nature. Bonus – you still get a comfy bed to lay your head at night.

 Plus many, many more reasons! We travel by RV or van pretty much wherever we go, so we can fill you in on all the tips, tricks and amaziness of RV travel. We would be happy to talk about it, so just give us a call or chat with us anytime.

Have we convinced you yet? Explore the different RV options available to you and contact us to book your next trip!